A triptych of three weekends


  1. Connecting to the Body – Stress Release
  2. Healing the Heart
  3. Embracing the Inner Child

Although you could participate in just any of these three different 2-day workshops, the outline is to experience them in the offered order. They are closely connected, hence called a triptych. It is designed as a journey from the head to the heart and to connect deeper to our inner wisdom of who we are and what we have come to bring here on earth.

Each weekend will consist of several practices; individual as well as in pairs and with the group. These can be exercises from bio-energetic or yoga-based practices, chakra psychology, etc. And in addition there will be guided meditations and shamanic drum journeys. And perhaps a fire ritual.

Every weekend we make a full circle along the medicine wheel. We will move from ‘North, where are you now?’ to ‘East, discovering and expressing your intention: where do you want to go?’. Then to: ‘South, doing the ‘work’ to flesh out the intention and into the experience’ and to ‘West, where it all integrates and transformation happens’. To eventually return to ‘North, where everything can transcend and you’ll find yourself in a new place’.

As the circle is completed we are at a new beginning…


1. Connecting to the Body – Stress Release

The focus here is on stress and charge that (still) remains in our system. With every step in the medicine wheel we’ll move into more bodily relaxation and peace. Through the exercises, meditations, journeys etc. we discharge deeply and you’ll have tools to better regulate your nervous system.

2. Healing the Heart

When you are out of ‘survival mode’ you can connect more deeply with yourself and your heart and discover what lives there. Healing the heart is descending from the head into the heart. And start walking the ‘path of the heart’.

Again we do this through several practices, meditations and drum journeys. We follow the medicine wheel, along the wind directions to complete another circle.

3. Embracing the Inner Child

We are going to discover where we stand, and how we got there. Find out what our limiting thoughts are about who we are and what our purpose is. What prevents us from living what we came to do here. Re-owning ‘lost parts’. So we can then focus to (re)connect with the innocence of our inner child. The child that’s still dreaming and fully takes up on life.

Again through exercises, meditations, drum journeys and so on we complete a circle.


The costs are 270 euro per weekend, including coffee, tea and snacks in the breaks.

If you’re subscribing for all three successive trilogy workshops you wil receive a 5% discount on the total costs. This will be deducted from the last workshop.

For dates and locations see in the calendar.


These three weekends are also part of the EssenceSchool, offering guidance to ‘dis-cover the inner healer’.

Soft touch, deep healing