
About Josine

Ever since I can remember there has been an interest in everything that has to do with consciousness and being human. As a child I already had all kinds of ‘big’ life questions and the main ones arose around the age of eight from a number of events and the rather sudden realization of ‘I’. A great desire arose for an abiding awareness of myself beyond this life.

And how I could make this happen…

These and other recurring (life) questions were and are the biggest driving force in my personal search, development and growth to this day.

Since my teenage years I have practiced various martial arts such as Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Wu Shu and Wing Chun. Later also yoga and forms of movement from Tibetan Buddhism. In all of those the physical training, flexibility and strength, was and still is central, next to breathing exercises, meditation and spiritual growth.


Before I embarked (in 1998) on the path of ‘working’ with people, in which all aspects of my interests met, I worked in very different fields. From working with animals and (bicycle) courier to an art gallery.

In 2002 I started my own massage practice, which has since grown from holistic massage and craniosacral therapy to the practice in its current form.

In addition to working in my own practice and saunas, I have worked a lot as a (chair) masseur at companies and various events, ranging from weddings and fairs to marathons and mega relay races such as the ROPA run and Running For On Wheels.

Since 2011 I/m, with a short break from 2022t till 2024, affiliated with the PSCA as an examiner and before 2022 as well as a teacher of the cranio sacral therapy basics. 


Completed education:

1998-2000  sports massage and injury prevention; NGS  (Dutch Society for Sports Massage).

2001  chair massage; TouchProEurope

2002-2006  holistic massage therapy; HOLOS, Academy for Holistic Massage Therapy

2004-2011  craniosacral therapy; PSCA, Peirsman Craniosacral Academy.

In addition, from 2006 I followed chakra therapy at Sacred Centers of Anodea Judith.

Since 2011 I have completed a yoga training (200 and 500 hours) Pralaya Yoga with Robert Boustany

From 2018 I’m a certified Lu Jong, Tibetan Healing Yoga teacher and from 2020 also Tog Chöd, the Wisdom Sword in the lineage of the Tibetan lama Tulku Lobsang Rinpoché.

In 2020 I encountered the powerfull energetic Dharma Shamanic System (DSS) from José Antonio Manchado,. Ever since I’m integrating this practices in my sessions. I frequently follow José’s seminars at Mundo Armonia.


On a regular basis I still receive teachings in all these areas, always ‘working’ on my own development.

My ‘main’ teacher at the moment is Chief Dancing Thunder, from whom I have been receiving Ancient Wisdom Teachings since 2017.

Next to Shamanic Cranio Healing sessions and teaching yoga classes in my practice in Galder, I travel a lot and give sessions at homes, at festivals and at other locations, p.e. where I teach.

Both in the Netherlands and abroad I offer seminars Shamanic Cranio Healing. In addition, I regularly organize various events and workshops, whether or not in collaboration with others, in the field of increasing (physical and spiritual) awareness and personal growth.


Soft touch, deep healing